
Monday, September 24, 2018

Week of September 24


This week in Science:

8th graders are working on Graphing Motion as we begin our Physics Unit.

7th graders are learning about the moon.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Week of September 17

We are only a few weeks away from the end of the first quarter!!!  Please make sure to check Synergy for any missing assignments.  LAST day for missing assignments:  October 1.

This week in Science:

7th Grade is finishing up our Inquiry Unit!  Our test is fast approaching, make sure you are reviewing your notes DAILY!  The Procedural Text Final Draft is due on 9/20 and will not be accepted late.

8th Grade is starting our Physics Unit!  We've taken our test and will have those tests returned soon.  Make sure to keep your notebook current!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Parent Vue

ParentVue confusing you?  Have you logged on but all you see is NA?  Here's how to see your student's progress:

1. Log into ParentVue
2. Click on the Grade Book tab located on the left side of the screen
3.  Click on the individual class to check grade info. (Example: Language Arts, Science, Spanish, etc)
4.  Once in the Class, click on the standard (Example:  Inquiry and Engineering Process).  After clicking, there should be a list of assignments and scores that relate to that particular standard.  You should also be able to see any notes about assignments teachers may have entered.

Hopefully this clears up the N/A on the grades!

Week of September 10

We want to hear from you!  If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to complete the family survey.  Your input is valuable and the survey will only take a few minutes of your time.

This week in Science we are wrapping up our Inquiry unit by writing instructions and a test.  The test will be announced this week in class and through the REMIND app.  Not sure what that is??  No problem, a copy of the syllabus with the remind info should be glued to page TWO of your student's notebook.

In 8th grade we reviewed the expectations for the Procedural Text Assignment (due 9/14, Late assignments will NOT be accepted), here is the page we reviewed in class:

Tammy Hutchings
Science 1
Does eating spicy foods help people to sleep better at night?

If someone increases the amount of spicy foods they eat before bed, then they will have worse sleep at night.

Independent Variable:
Amount of spicy food

Dependent Variable:
Sleep patterns

Controlled Variables:
Same environment (bed, pillow, etc), similar age range of volunteers, same type of spicy foods, same conditions leading up to bed time (all have normal days, etc); all volunteers have the same opportunity for same amount of sleep (each being able to sleep for 8 hours).

  • 20 volunteers
  • 280 Taco Bell Crunchy Tacos
  • 70 packets Taco Bell Mild Sauce
  • 70 packets Taco Bell Hot Sauce
  • 70 packets Taco Bell FIRE sauce


  1. Split the volunteers into four groups:  Control, Mild, Hot Tacos, FIRE Tacos
  2. 30 minutes before volunteer’s bedtime, each volunteer will eat 2 tacos, and then go to bed as normal.
    1. Control group will eat their tacos without any sauce.
    2. Mild group eat their tacos with 1 packet Taco Bell Mild sauce on each.
    3. Hot group eat their tacos with 1 packet Taco Bell Hot sauce on each.
    4. FIRE group eat their tacos with 1 packet Taco Bell Fire sauce on each.
  3. Have volunteers spend the required amount of time sleeping (8 hours).
  4. Volunteers will record their sleep patterns in the morning using a sleep journal.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for 7 days total.
  6. Gather the data and put into a chart for analysis.
  7. Analyze the results.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Week of September 4

Hope everyone had a great 3-day weekend!!!  In science we are:

7th & 8th Grade - Working on Scientific Inquiry.  This means we are honing our skills in writing procedures, clarifying parts of the scientific method, and looking at scientific measurements.

Parents & Guardians:
   Please ask your student about their work.  Several students are not turning in assignments, or not doing their best (or completing) assignments.  Re-Dos are available for many assignments, they just need to do the work!  You should have received information to log onto Synergy (ParentVue) to check out grades.  All students should have science grades.  Please email me if you are unsure about the grading or if there is an issue.