
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Earth Final Project

Minerals, Rocks, & Rock Cycle Final Project

Due:  Monday, March 11, 2019

You have learned a lot about Rocks & Minerals! Now it’s time to demonstrate your learning. You need to create a project that demonstrates your knowledge of rocks, minerals, and the rock cycle. Late projects will not be accepted. You will be evaluated by your peers and Mrs. Hutchings so make sure to do your best!

Choose the format that you prefer (poster, formal report, scrapbook, video, children’s story book, etc) to present the following information. Please remember: Digital formats need a computer or Chrome-book. Mrs. Hutchings needs advanced notice of digital presentations.

Your project must include the following:

  • Choose one rock type from the rock cycle. Follow that rock type through the rock cycle explaining all the processes involved in it changing from one rock type into each of the other rock types. Remember, the rock cycle doesn’t have to follow a perfect loop. Ensure that you talk about every process and stage of the cycle in your project though.
  • Explain about minerals, what are they, why are they important, how are they classified differently from rocks.

Minerals, Rocks, Rock Cycle FINAL Project Rubric
  • Includes all information from Proficient
  • Includes more than the required information and/or written above a 7th grade level.
  • Includes information from other academic subjects (ex: Math, History, etc)
  • Includes all required information at a 7th grade level.
  • Neat (typed if necessary) & Organized
  • Creative – Original and Unique, includes color
  • Includes most, but not all required information
  • Written at an 7th grade level
  • Sloppy, messy, disorganized, or hard to read
  • Lacks creativity
  • Lacking explanations and/or written below a 7th grade level.
  • Missing examples or used only examples given in class.
  • Sloppy, messy, disorganized, or hard to read
  • Lacks creativity
  • Turned in Late

Chemistry Final Project

Chemistry Final Project

Due Monday, March 11, 2019

In Chemistry we have learned a lot (atoms, solids, liquids, gases, elements, compounds, mixtures, periodic table, and chemical reactions). For this final project you must create a project that encompasses each part of this unit.
Choose an element on the Periodic Table (excluding hydrogen & helium). Research the following information and create your choice of presentation format (scrapbook, formal report, model, etc). You will be evaluated by your peers as well Mrs. Hutchings, so make sure to do your best! Elements may not be repeated.

  • Name
  • Atomic Number
  • Atomic Mass
  • Melting Point (make sure to explain what this means on the atomic level, include an illustration)
  • Boiling Point (make sure to explain what this means on the atomic level, include an illustration)
  • Density
  • Phase at room temperature (make sure to explain what this means on the atomic level, include an illustration)
  • Classification (metal/nonmetal)
  • Period number
  • Group numbered
  • Number of Valance Electrons
  • Reactivity (non-reactive, reactive, highly reactive)
  • Add five interesting characteristics about your element
  • Include an atomic representation of your element (use the Bohr Model)

Additional information needed in your project:
  • Explain (with illustrations)

  • The differences between compounds, mixtures, and elements
  • Physical & Chemical Properties
  • Physical & Chemical Changes
Students created their own Rubrics for the Chemistry Final Project:

Chemistry FINAL Project Rubric
  • Includes all information from Proficient
  • Includes more than the required information and/or written above an 8th grade level.
  • Includes academic subjects other than science (ex: Math, History, etc)
  • Includes all required information at an 8th grade level.
  • Neat (typed if necessary) & Organized
  • Creative – Original and Unique, includes color
  • Includes most, but not all required information (missing 2-3 bullet points)
  • Written at an 8th grade level
  • Sloppy, messy, disorganized, or hard to read
  • Lacks creativity
  • Turned in Late
  • Lacking explanations and/or written below an 8th grade level.
  • Missing examples or used only examples given in class.
  • Sloppy, messy, disorganized, or hard to read
  • Lacks creativity
  • Turned in Late

Week of March 4

We are wrapping up the 3rd quarter!

ALL Late or Re-do work is due on 
FRIDAY, March 8

7th Grade:  Inside Earth (Rocks, Minerals, Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift) Final is on 3/8/19.  The Project is due on 3/11.

8th Grade:  Chemistry Final is on 3/8/19.  Chemistry Projects are due on 3/11