
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week of January 22

This week in Science:

All Classes had a GALLERY WALK to evaluate each other's mini projects.  Students were to answer the following questions in their notebook:

  1. What did you learn from the project?  This could be related to the content, seeing other projects, and/or related to time management.
  2. How could you improve YOUR project?  You had the rubric, how (specifically) could yours have been better?
  3. After you evaluated your peer's projects, would you keep the score you originally gave yourself, or would you change it?  Explain your answer.

8th Grade:  We are continuing with Chemistry and should plan for a lab starting on Thursday
7th Grade:  We are continuing with the structure of the Earth and should plan for a lab starting on Thursday.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Quick: Mini Projects STUDENT Created Rubrics

Yesterday students received their MINI project instructions and spent the class time CREATING the rubrics.  All projects are due on TUESDAY!  See what the STUDENTS created below:

8th Grade:

Solid, Liquid, Gas Elaboration

Now that you have learned a bit more about the three main states of matter, you need to demonstrate your learning by creating a mini project. Please refer to your Mastery of Standards Page for grading information.

Choose one of the following:
  • Mini Poster (no larger than: 8.5” x 11”)
  • 3-D Model (no larger than a shoe box)
  • Comic

With your chosen medium you need to explain the following:
  • Explain the three main states of matter (What makes a solid a solid? Etc)
  • Illustrate each state on the atomic level
  • Explain how matter can change state (include: Boiling, Melting, Freezing, Evaporation, Sublimation, and Condensation)
  • Give several (more than 2) examples of each state of matter, only ONE can be and example given in class (either from lab, reading, or presentation)

Please find YOUR CLASS PERIOD for the correct grading rubric. Students created this rubric in class, with some guidance, so each class has some variation.

Solid, Liquid, Gas MINI Project SCI 1 Rubric
  • Explain the states of matter and how they can change above an 8th grade level (more in depth).  Include more states of matter and detailed illustration.
  • Give more than 3 examples of each state.
  • Include academic subjects other than science (ex: Math, History, etc)
  • Explain the states of matter and how they can change at an 8th grade level
  • Illustrate at the atomic level
  • Give 3 Examples of each state
  • Neat (typed if necessary) & Organized
  • Creative - Original and Unique, include color
  • Turned in Late
  • Explain the states of matter and how they can change at a 6-7th grade level.
  • Missing one atomic level illustration
  • Only give 2 examples of each state
  • Sloppy, messy, disorganized or hard to read.
  • Lack of creativity
  • Turned in Late
  • Lacking explanations, how matter changes, or written below middle school level.
  • Missing more than one atomic level illustration or illustrations are unclear.
  • Missing examples or used only examples given in class.
  • Hard to read
  • Lacks creativity

Solid, Liquid, Gas MINI Project SCI 2 Rubric
  • Explain the states of Matter and how they change state above 8th grade level (more in depth). Include more states of matter and detailed illustration.
  • Include academic subjects other than science (ex: Math, History, etc)
  • Give more than 3 examples and further explanation.
  • Zero conventional errors.
  • Explain the 3 states of Matter and how they change state at an 8th grade level
  • Illustrate each state of matter at the atomic level
  • Give at least 3 examples of each state of matter
  • Neat, Organized, minimal (less than 2) conventional errors
  • Meet requirements of chosen project medium
  • Creative - Original & Unique
  • Turned in Late
  • Explain the 3 states of Matter and how they change state at a 6-7th grade level
  • Missing one or unclear atomic level illustrations
  • Only gives 2 examples of state of matter
  • Disorganized, hard to read or understand. 3-4 conventional errors
  • Lack creativity
  • Turned in Late
  • Lacking explanations, how matter changes, or written below middle school level.
  • Missing more than one atomic level illustration or illustrations are unclear.
  • Missing examples or used only examples given in class.
  • Sloppy, hard to read / understand.  5 or more conventional errors.
  • Lack creativity

Solid, Liquid, Gas MINI Project SCI 3 Rubric
  • Explain the states of matter and how they can change above an 8th grade level.  Including more states of matter and detailed illustrations.
  • Give more than 3 examples of each state of matter and explanation.
  • Include academic subjects other than science (Art, Math, History, etc)
  • Explain the 3 main states of matter and how they can change at an 8th grade level
  • Illustrate each state at the atomic level using color
  • Give 3 examples of each state of matter
  • Neat, legible, organized, clear explanations
  • Creative, include color, Unique and Original
  • Turned in Late
  • Explain the 3 main states of matter and how they can change at a 6-7th grade level
  • Atomic illustrations of each state of matter are unclear.
  • Give 2 examples of each state of matter
  • Disorganized, hard to read or understand
  • Lack creativity, lacks originality, minimal color
  • Turned in Late
  • Lacking one or more explanations of 3 main states of matter and/or how they can change below a middle school level
  • Missing and/or unclear atomic illustrations of each state of matter.
  • Minimal (0-1) examples of each state of matter.
  • Disorganized, Messy, unclear explanations
  • Lacks creativity, no color

7th Grade:

Layers of the Earth Elaboration
Now that you have learned a bit more about the layers of the earth, you need to demonstrate your learning by creating a MINI project. Please see your Mastery of Standards Page for grading information.

Choose one of the following:
  • MINI Project Board (No larger than a 3 ring binder)
  • Sculpture or Model (no larger than a shoe box)
  • Scrapbook/Comicbook

With your chosen medium, you need to explain the following (include a fact sheet if necessary)
  • Identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers
  • Explain and identify the location of: Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Convection Currents, Magnetic Field

Please find YOUR CLASS PERIOD for the correct grading rubric. Students created this rubric in class, with some guidance, so each class has some variation.

Layers of Earth MINI Project SCI 4 Rubric
  • Identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers, as well as the specified item information above a 7th grade level. Include extra information not presented in class.
  • Include information from other academic subjects (ex: History, Math, Technology, Art, etc).

  • Identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers at a 7th grade level.
  • Explain and identify the location of specified items.
  • Neat, written clearly, shows effort
  • Creative, Original

  • Turned in Late
  • Identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers at a 6th grade level.
  • Missing one item, or minimal explanation of the location of specified items.
  • Shows some effort, hard to read, disorganized.
  • Shows very little creativity

  • Turned in Late
  • Identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers below a 6th grade level.  Information is confusing or incorrect.
  • Missing multiple items, minimal or incorrect explanation of the location of specified items.
  • Lack of effort, sloppy, illegible, disorganized.
  • Lacks creativity

Layers of Earth MINI Project SCI 6 Rubric
  • All information given is above a 7th grade level.
  • Explain and identify with great detail the characteristics and locations of each of the layers including information not given in class.
  • Explain and identify in depth and/or beyond all items on instructions.
  • And/or Include information from other academic subjects (ex: Math, Art, Tech, Forensics, History, etc)
  • Zero conventional errors.
  • All information is at 7th grade level.
  • Explain and identify characteristics and locations of each of the layers.
  • Explain and Identify all items on instructions.
  • Neat, using one of the listed mediums.
  • 1-2 Conventional errors
  • Unique, Creative, Original, Colorful

  • Turned in Late
  • Most information is at 7th grade level.
  • Explain and identify most of the characteristics and locations of each of the layers.
  • Explain and Identify most items on instructions.
  • Messy, unorganized
  • 3-5 Conventional Errors
  • Lacks Creativity, minimal color.
  • Turned in Late
  • Most information is below 7th grade.
  • Missing or unclear parts of characteristics and locations of each of the layers.
  • Missing or unclear explanations of items on instructions.
  • 6 or more Conventional Errors.
  • Sloppy, illegible, unorganized.
  • Minimal creativity, no color, lacks originality.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Better late than never!

Yikes!  I haven't updated since before Winter Break!  :O I could give lame excuses, but they would be, well....lame!  I apologize for my lack of updates, and will hopefully be back on track!  Here's an update of what we've been doing:

  • Week of January 7:  
    • 8th Grade - We started our new unit - CHEMISTRY!  We had our first lab. 
    • 7th Grade - We started our new unit - Earth Systems and Processes!  We had our first lab.
  • Week of January 14:
    • 8th Grade - Continuing with Chemistry, learning about the three main states of matter here on earth.  Students are learning what the states look like on the atomic level and what happens when thermal energy has been added.
    • 7th Grade - Continuing with Earth Systems and Processes, learning about the layers of the earth, their composition, depth and characteristics.