Dear Parents,
The following letter was set home with your student today giving information about the school closure on Thursday, 4/26/18.
Mrs. Hutchings
24, 2018
Tucson Country Day School Parents and Guardians,
thank you for your patience as we have talked with our teachers and
staff to assess the impact of Thursday’s scheduled walkout.
on the information we have received from our employees, the
Administrative team and members of the School Board are in agreement
that we will close the K-8 portion of the school on Thursday. Since
the RedforEd movement does not impact the private tuition-based Early
Education program, our preschool and prekindergarten will run a
regular school day on Thursday. As you know, per our school
calendar, the entire school will be closed on Friday.
decision to close the school on Thursday is based on the number of
teachers and staff members who will be absent from school and our
concern about our ability to provide adequate supervision and ensure
the safety of all students.
State requires us to be in session for 180 days each school year or
risk being penalized and lose funding. Our calendar is a 180-day
calendar so we will need to make up the day we are closed. Adding one
day to the school calendar means we will be in session on Friday, May
will provide you with additional updates as they become available. As
of this time, we plan to be in session on Monday. We will keep you
informed. The most current and accurate information will be posted on
the school’s eplanner page as noted above.
you, as always, for your continued support.
Tucson Country Day School Administration Team,
Kappler Adrian Hannah Jordan Krause
Chief Operations
Officer Principal Assistant Principal